Hello, my name is Natsumi. I'm 13 years old at the moment. I live in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. I'm Japanese. I really like to make videos and designs although when I grow up I decided that I wanted to be a physic-biologist (yay for two careers)!
Yes, I know fail me for not having an actual domain or hosting whatsoever, well as I listed up there I'm 13 years old, I don't work neither have paypal account, I won't even bother my parents to pay a website when I can get one for free. Thus I'm not taking this to serious business at the time o_o"
My Facts;;
1. I think I have a very rare taste of music: I listen to popular rock bands, classical music (lolwut), piano. It's all a little of everything .
2. I'm just 13 years old o: (lolshowoff)
3. I play guitar, piano and flute.
4. I have read all Harry Potter books.
5. I like Piggehz! o_o (Piggies)
6. I practice(d) Karate